Should you be creating your blog or other Social Media content In House or Outsourcing?
This is a question that many a business person has asked and in most cases there is no straightforward answer. In most cases it depends on the type of business, how much time you have and how much you can invest. So let's delve into some of these issues.
The first thing to note is that producing content is a very time consuming process. To write an original article can take up to an hour. It may take much longer if you know nothing about the topic and have to do some research. Even if you know the topic well, it could take half an hour minimum to get the job done.
And if you are committed to producing regular content, you could find yourself spending half a week writing content.
This is not really an option if you are a small business owner (or any business owner for that matter).
Your primary focus should be doing the tasks that bring you the most “bang for your buck”. In most cases, this is marketing and getting more leads into your business.
This is why many people like to outsource their content. And whilst outsourcing makes sense, it's not always that simple.
For instance, if your business is a quite specialized niche, you may have problems finding writers that can understand the topic and create coherent articles. After all, the articles are often how you are perceived online so you want them to portray you as an authority in your niche or specialisation.
So many business owners, especially small business owners will opt to write their own content because they can't find the right writer. It can be a frustrating (and time consuming) process to go through 5 writers just to find the right person.
But then they are back to the problem of not having enough time in the day to get everything done.
I would suggest that the answer is to persevere. You have to delegate tasks such as these or you don't really have business - but simply a job. Or rather the business is running you rather than you running the business.
You could hire an in house writer who you could train. This may take time but the effort will be worth it when you can just task them to create 5 interesting articles. They could even be an entry level employee and it would be a good way to teach them the business.
You could even outsource the writing but I would suggest that you try to be as specific with your writing instructions as you can. You want to suggest the angle you want and give them as much research material as you can.
Research material could simply be internet websites to look at or your owner business materials. Whichever way you go, the more input you can have at the start the better the results will be at the end.
If you find a good writer, hang on to them as they are a fairly rare commodity.
Posted By Michael : Digital Marketing Transformation Expert
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Updated : 16th May 2020 | Words : 518 | Views : 4288